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Buffeted yet Thankful

Being thankful drives a mindset change. It’s hard to be angry and thankful at the same time.

When lockdowns, shortages, fear, panic and layoffs started last February, my wife and I decided to incorporate an element from weekly family traditions into our daily dinner.

As we eat dinner, we go around the table and each share one thing for which we are thankful to God- and we can’t repeat what someone else says, it has to be unique (and not sarcastic) reason. This had been for the entire week as we opened our Sabbath meal together on Friday night- but when covid hit it became a daily element.

At first, we thought this would be a challenge to do. We certainly have things to say from an entire week- and our kids loved the weekly tradition- but could we do it daily? I honestly didn’t know as we ran into issue after issue limiting where we could go, who we could see, what we could eat, or who we could meet. We’ve had hard work, pain and many tears this year.

However- I continue to be amazed as day after day our family joyfully comes up with eight new reasons to give thanks (Lord willing, Jonah will soon grasp and be able to express the concept and we’ll have all nine of us). It’s a joy to hear the kids bring up reasons from their lives and perspective - and a daily opportunity to reflect on God’s provision and protection.

It’s been quite the year.

However, in many senses it’s been the best so far in our almost 20 years of marriage. And, we can truly say we’re thankful for 3100+ reasons! (8 per day for 13 months of covid so far)

The photo here is one of these reasons we are thankful. We’ve been watching this flock of wild female turkeys throughout the year as the young have grown. They each seem to have their own personalities, and one of them always lags behind. On this day recently they were buffeted by 40mph+ gusts of wind— which they didn’t seem to mind and all the more showed off their iridescent feathers! And no, we aren’t eating wild turkey for dinner tonight :)

“And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” Luke 12:29–31 (ESV)

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