WELCOME to our little plot of Earth, Hoshiana Hill Farm, beautiful and alive! For those who understand farming at all, alive is nothing short of miraculous. Beautiful is just a cherry on top! We do not take these blessings for granted, as we try to be good stewards of our land and our lives.
We, Scott and Carrie Kokoska, are incredibly blessed with 7 children, ranging in ages from 17 to 7 years old. Ethan, Kate, Annie, Lilli, Caleb, Joshua and Jonah. We never imagined so many kids in our lives. Over the years, God has opened our hearts and expanded our horizons to see His power at work in us. He continues to use our children to shape our characters and most of all bring us joy!
Hoshiana Hill Farm is also home to three dogs, nine cats, 85 chickens, one bunny, four sheep, bats and a family of sandhill cranes. I won't mention the mice since they are quite transient! We are by no means off-the-grid-ers or even homesteaders. I wouldn't even really consider us to be farmers. We are a family that believes in learning, creating, living responsibly and being joyful with what we are given.
God blessed us with Hoshiana Hill Farm three years ago. Since then, we have salvaged what we could of the hundred and fifty year old farm and made it our home. We cleaned and repaired the beautiful barn and chicken coop that allowed us to move animals here right away. Having never "farmed" anything before, all of this is quite a journey. Over the last couple years, the joys have been sprinkled with sorrow and heartbreak, as can be expected. The pain only reminds us that we are humans, and our lives are just as fragile.
In fact, Hoshiana, means "save us" in Hebrew. It is where we get the word hosanna in English. The proclamation is not a word of praise or exaltation, but a cry for mercy. We beg for salvation from the Almighty One, both in our physical world that is full of death and decay as well as in our eternal life to come. We are in desperate need of saving. Many times over. Hoshiana, Oh LORD, we pray! (Ps 118)
joy in our lives. As a family, we want to celebrate our personal journey of living and share that joy with any who may stop by!The Joy of Living is a family project. It began as a school project and developed to much more. As each of us became excited by the possibilities of involvement the scope grew. We are passionate about many things, including our farm, all forms of art, animals, food, nature and our walk with God. Many of us will be sharing posts of projects, adventures, spiritual lessons, and the beauty of daily life. It is our little place where we each have the opportunity to document
The Kokoska Family