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Why Dexters?

Meet Maureen. Maureen is the reason we have cows at all.

Maureen, Soaking in the Sunrise

I was not a fan of getting cows, not even a heritage breed. They weigh over half a ton. They eat, a lot. And most dauntingly, the steers have horns… maybe I’ve seen too many rodeo movies.

But then we spent some time at Buckthorn Ranch and got to know Dexter cows. (See post on “Community“).

I tried not to let my anxiety show as Brian, our host, drove the ATV into the middle of the herd of heifers, bulls and steers. Did I mention lots of horns?

Maureen was the first to come to us, timid, but looking for cookies. Shauna was soon to follow seeking attention. It wasn’t long before they allowed us to scratch and brush them. It was there that I realized Dexters are some of the most amazing animals ever. They aren’t bred for size. They are a kind, docile breed that is short but well built.

After a year at our farm, they are like big puppy dogs. Shauna came to our farm with her first steer, Sherlock, who is respectful but properly timid. Maureen’s calf was the first calf born for our farm back in February (Enola, the smallest, but in my opinion, best calf in 4H!).

Both Shauna and Maureen are now expecting in late Spring.

“Expecting”, Maureen and Shauna

I absolutely love going out into their pasture. This past weekend I brought my camera to capture them lounging together in the middle of the pasture. They always stay close. It’s an amazing treat to watch them. They play together, jump, spar and circle around each other. It is awesome to watch them run from the far end of the pasture when they’re called.

“Hey, you cows!”, Maureen with Enola, Sherlock and Shauna

My grandpa used to love cows. He didn’t raise them, he just loved watching them. Born in 1902, he was a coal miner in Pennsylvania, like his dad had been (and like my other grandfather and his dad had been). He worked the night shift, long hours deep underground. It was difficult, menial labor. He slept during the day. Really his only time with his family was on Sunday- and what he enjoyed doing was to park the car on a Sunday afternoon and watch the cows. There was something peaceful and fulfilling for him to spend hours in the car watching. I wasn’t able to join him in this, but I can understand now why he enjoyed it so much. Maybe he used to watch Dexters. :)

They are simply a joy to be with, and these photos make me smile.

Sherlock Waking Up

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