Ducks are another new venture for us. We have raised our Saxony Ducks from day-old ducklings! These animals are so much fun. They are very social. Where one duck goes all the others follow. The are excellent foragers, the hens are good mothers and fair well in our cold winters. The Livestock Conservancy has great information on Saxony Ducks.
Our goal with our ducks, and our farm in general, is self-sufficiency. That means that we want our animals to breed and raise their young on their own. Once the young are matured they are butchered for meat. We don't want to be dependent on outside sources to supply our animals each year. While it is very satisfying to raise animals from birth, our goal is to raise healthy parents, who in turn provide all the young animals we need. This concept is still being tested out on the ducks. We will see what this summer holds!